But I just have so much to share with all of you! Toys for Tots, Scrooge, the pageant, Christmas in San Diego, Christmas in Olympia, Wii nights and New Years! I'm going to start backwards though and get into some "resolutions". I don't like the word resolutions but how about "goals"? I love setting goals and reaching them. I also like making lists and checking off things. So this is sort of the same thing.
The Hubs and I were lying in bed last night and got to talking about our goals for this next year. My number one goal?
1. PATIENCE. I don't have any.
It's true. I'm pretty much the most impatient person you've ever met. I hate red lights, slow walkers, grocery lanes, spills, accidents, being late and yoga. All because they slow me down. I just want to go go go. I asked the Hubs how I can be more patient and he said, "You need to realize that people mean well, more often than not. And that not everything is as big a deal as you make it."
Wow. That really summed it up, didn't it?
I also asked him what I could do to be a better wife. He shrugged. Hrm. I'll check in with him later. He's the best.

Goal number 2.
2. Look into starting my photography business.
This is just scary... but so awesome at the same time! I've loved the sessions I've done for friends and can't wait to learn everything I can about photography. I have SO much to learn and just need someone to sit me down and walk me through my camera a little bit. Any takers?
I can finally share some of these because they were Christmas gifts and had to be kept secret.

Goal number 3.
3. Find that thing that gets me excited.
That could be the whole photography thing. It could be a great musical or show in which I'm involved. It could be something new with the kid's choir. Whatever it is... I want it to push me and get me going.
Goal number 4.
4. Connect with my friends.
This is for the friends who don't live in my city or even state. I have a whole mess of people who get bumped down the list the minute I get busy. I don't want that to happen as much.
How about you all? What are your goals for this year? Do you do resolutions?
P to the S... it's great to be back! Can't wait to update everyone on my doings!
Double P to the S.... anybody want to make me a new blog header? I'm pretty much incompetent and will make you cookies.
OMG, Coco, I'm so excited for your photography stuff...you know you can always ask Alex to take you through stuff. He's writing a curriculum of assignments for me to get better with photography. You've got a better eye than I do for composition, but I'll put it to him. Also, my friend Rob might be a worthy business partner. He went to film school at USC, and he takes gorgeous candids. He might be stopping in Sac tomorrow...I'll ask him. He's always looking for a new creative venture. Send me an email or message about your business idea so I can let them know...if it's something u want me to ask them about! :D
ReplyDeletecoco, these picture are so amazing!! you really have the eye!
ReplyDeletei love to read your blog, you have such a vibrant personality, and it makes happy to see that you're doing so well :)
happy new year!!
Pssst.... I would be happy to make you a new header. Talk to me on Facebook, mmkay? I am actually starting an event and print materials design business myself (scary, scary stuff!!!) so it totally goes with my own goals for the year. :) Of course I'd design it for free ;)