So, what was I going to do with all of these so they weren't just sitting in my hard drive for years to come?
I made a 2010 photobook!
I had won a $30 Shutterfly gift card from Bakerella (thanks girl!) and used that towards it. If I had to do it again, I would go down a size. I got the 12" x 12" book and it is plenty big. It didn't take long to complete... I spread it out over a couple of days. And, of course, with Shutterfly, it didn't take a long time to print.
I'm definitely happy with it and glad I have this so my pics aren't on Facebook forever. The print quality is great and while I would love the pages to be flat, I know that costs way more. For the price and turn around time, it was totally worth it!

(Name blurred for privacy)

Shutterfly did not pay me to write this review (like they even know who I am!). I'm just a satisfied customer who wanted to spread the word!
This is a great idea, because I've really REALLY put off printing out copies of the photos I love...and am terrified we'll lose them (ie our computer will crash and/or our two external hard drives will freak out on us). Looks like yours turned out great!