Friday, August 27, 2010
Thankful Thursday... a Day Late
Here's what I'm thankful for this week.
-It's FRIDAY! Although I do have to work tomorrow, it's not like it's a hard day on the job. It's an off-site event, which does stress me out, but it seems like it'll be a chill one.
-Last night I took about 2 hours and really learned how to use my camera. I learned about shutter speeds, ISO, metering, etc. Wow, there was so much I didn't know and really enjoyed figuring it out for myself (with the help of a few books and the trusty internet, of course).
-Jasmine Star's online, 5-day workshop on wedding photography. Look, I doubt I'm ever going to be a wedding photographer but if watching these online workshops help my everyday photography, I'm all for it! The whole thing is just incredible and you can check it out here.
-Only one more week in this job. HALLELUIA! I'm so frakin' excited to be moving to another division, I can hardly stand it. I don't want to make a big deal out of it at work but I'm so stoked. I hope the Hubs and I can celebrate with dinner out next Friday.
-My coworker has a tomato plant that has been going crazy lately and just about everyday I get a baggie with about 15 cherry tomatoes. SO good. I just cut them open, put a little salt on them and mmmmm. They don't even make it home.
-The projected forecast for today is only 95 degrees. That's 10 degrees less than yesterday. And this weekend will be in the 80's! YES!
-Thankful for the Hubs. Seriously, you guys... he's the best. And now that I'm becoming a happier person, he's becoming a goofier one. I absolutely love it and we have a lot of fun.
What are you thankful for?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Best Present Ever
Side note: Here are the list of shows we weren't allowed to watch. And I didn't because I was scared of punishment.
1. Golden Girls
2. You Can't Do That On Television
3. Dawson's Creek
4. The Wonder Years
5. Rosanne
6. My So-Called Life
7. Beverly Hills 90210
8. Melrose Place
9. Party of 5
10. Doogie Howser (dude, Neil Patrick Harris, whaaaaat?)
I'm sure there are more, but I've blocked them out. And to this day, I don't think I've seen a full episode of any of these shows. I know. SHOCKING.
So anyway, back to the story. We loved Ren and Stimpy. One year for Valentine's Day, my parents bring out these big boxes for me and my brother (my other brother wasn't around yet). I think I was 11 and brother was 6. We open up the boxes and we both have these huge pieces of wood. Logs, if you will. We look up at my parents, blinking in confusion and my mom goes, "We got you both logs!"
See video for reference:
Yeah, I saw the humor in it immediately and found it hilarious. My brother, not so much. He was only 6! He started crying and saying, "What am I supposed to do with it?!" Which made my parents laugh even more. Finally, they cut him some slack and finally brought out our little Valentine's Day gifts. But honestly, I don't know what they were. I will always remember those logs though and I hope we can be as funny with our kids someday.
Were your parents pranksters? I can appreciate my parents' humor now but at the time it was infuriating.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I'm a cheap date

But wait, where's the soda? Open the door, of course!


We're old school. Only coins.

P.S. This was my sweet ride. The car rental guy was like, "Um, are you sure you don't want another color?" Are you kidding me? This color is great!

So tell me guys, am I totally lame for loving this vending machine? Or am I just easily amused?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Love Song Sunday: I'll Still Be Loving You
So here is Restless Heart with "I'll Still Be Loving You"
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sweet Relief
Anywho... I GOT A NEW JOB! That's my big fat crazy announcement. Nope, not pregnant. Nope, not moving. A new job. Yesssssss. I'm still working for the same school but a whole entirely different department. I'm so looking forward to new challenges, adventures, ideas, everything. I know this department is so different from the one I'm currently in and that is ok, because it's time for a change. I've been wanting to do this for about two years and I finally made it happen.
So yes, I'm stoked, nervous, excited, happy, anxious, etc. That's what happens when we break out of something we've known for awhile. And that's ok. Sometimes you have to make a huge change to find happiness. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Well, unfortunately I couldn't change the way I thought about something. I thought I could, but turns out I couldn't. So I decided to change the situation. And it could only get better from here.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Drum roll please...

From the artist's website
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Like the Matrix, but not

from Amusing Planet via Neatorama
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Love Song Sunday: More Than Words
From Extreme, here is More Than Words.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I'm not cut out for a great many things.
It all reminded me of when I worked at Starbucks. Yes friends, I worked at Starbucks for a total of 4 months. I started in June of 2003, got to be employee of the month for September then I quit while I was ahead. But this experience brought me right back to my very worst day on the job.
SO! It was a Saturday morning and those are like death at Starbucks. The line was at least 10 people deep, we were filling out orders like crazy. This woman steps up to the counter and I can already see she’s going to be a problem. She’s got the huffy-face on.
“I’d like 4 iced mochas”, she whined.
This was a trap. If we got an order like this, it usually meant they wanted a frappuccino. So I confirmed with her.
“4 iced mochas. Now, an iced mocha is coffee, milk and chocolate over ice. It’s not blended. Is that what you want?” I asked nicely just in case she was a secret shopper they like to threaten us with.
“I know what an iced mocha is,” she growled with clenched teeth, “so make that for me”.
“YES!” she snarled.
She headed up to the counter, looked at the drinks with disgust and said “This is not what I ordered.”
OH HELL NO. This wasn’t happened. I started to sweat because my manager is right there and she’s giving me this look like “You moron. Been here for one week and don't know the difference.”
“Yes ma’am, this is what you told me. 4 mochas over iced. Not blended.”
Did I not ask her, TWICE, if that’s what she wanted? Oh I did. When we messed up at Starbucks, we usually offered the mistakes to other guests or told the original person to just take them on the house while we made them the right order. Nope. Not this time. I threw all four of those drinks in the trash right in front of that woman. (Surprised I didn’t get fired but again it was Saturday morning. What could they have done?) Then turned around and cussed her out while the blenders were running.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ear Worm
After we picked up the cake, we were still trying to figure out what the song was. We were naming off bands and nothing sounded quite right. I searched on iTunes for weeks, checking out "One Hit Wonders" from the 90's and still nothing. Last night I tried a new playlist on iTunes and I gasped. There is was! I ran upstairs and played it for the Hubs and he said, "Yup, that's it!" WE FOUND IT! It only took us 2 and 1/2 weeks.
And just so you don't feel left out, here it is. Roll To Me by Del Amitri. We would have never guessed the band name, by the way. And the video? Totally remember that!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Don't Act Like You Don't Watch It.
Yes, I am addicted to the 16 and Pregnant/ Teen Mom series on MTV. What is it, you ask? You mean you haven't seen it? YOU ARE MISSING OUT. This series is the absolute end-all, be-all of train wrecks (other than Jersey Shore, I think). MTV found these 16-year-old girls... sometimes 15 and had camera crews follow them around during their pregnancy. And while there is a second season that finished in May (and a THIRD in the works... oh I can't wait), my heart belongs to the girls of Season One.
That's why I was so glad to find out that Teen Mom was only going to be the girls from Season One. Amber, Maci, Farrah and Caitlyn. The Season Two girls were ok, but I loves me some Season One drama.
Let's start with Maci. Can we all just agree that she's a great mom? I mean, that ding-dong, half-wit Ryan has got to be one of the most obnoxious, entitled, self-centered, butt-faced miscreant (name that show!) that has ever lived. Calling Maci lazy for dropping out of school when his unemployed butt couldn't watch Bentley while she went to class? You've got to be kidding me. I'm so excited that she reconnected with this new guy but I can't wait for Ryan to find out. I would have been mad too if my ex-boyfriend brought his new girlfriend by and didn't even introduce me to her so I knew my kid was ok when he was with his dad. SHAME Ryan. SHAME.
Then there's Farrah. Ok. So, first Season of Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant, Farrah really got on my nerves. In a good "I can't look away" kind of way. She was always off with the guys, leaving Sophia at home with her mom. Her mom is LOONEY TUNES, by the way. So when this season opened up with the 911 call Farrah made after her mom hit her, I was like, "OMG, this got so much better!". Because I was waiting for Deborah to snap. Really snap. And this last episode where it was Sophia's birthday and her parents are ignoring her at the restaurant? So sad. I really did feel for Farrah because she's stuck in this family and she can't do anything about that because she is only 18. I forget sometimes that these girls are so young.
I really feel for Caitlyn too. After all the mess with Carly and her parents and then moving in with Tyler, the poor girl doesn't know which way is up. But I really think she and Tyler are showing their age this season. They were so mature and brave to give their daughter up for adoption but I think it's really starting to hit Tyler this season. Caitlyn has had time to process it and she had more opportunities for healing than Tyler. Plus, she is always around him. It's good that she was forced to move out of his house but I really wish she didn't have to live with her drug-addict mom and Butch. OMG, don't get me started on Butch.
I definitely saved the best for last. Amber. Amber and Gary and poor baby Leah. In the first season, whenever Amber had an outburst I thought, "Ok, she's only 17, she has a baby and that doofy Gary is in the picture. Poor her." But the way she's acting this season? Girl has a chemical imbalance. Seriously. This last episode where Gary was trying to calmly talk to her and she kept screaming at him, make up trailing down her face? She needs to get some help, and she needs to get it now. I can't imagine what it's like for a baby to be in that environment 24/7. Because neither of them have a job, so they just sit around and fight all day. OH and if neither of them have a job, how in the hell can they afford to go out to dinner all the time? I work full time and we go out to dinner maybe once a month. And it's usually to Red Robin. When we have a coupon. Or gift certificate. So someone please explain to me how they can cry and yell at each other about money then turn around and say, "Let's go get dinner." NO.
So yeah... I know I'm way too invested and the Hubs calls it "trash" and it totally is. But I don't care. Because this show is a train wreck in the craziest possible way.
Do you have any guilty pleasure shows? Do you get teased for watching them? Are you secretly pleased when you find other people who are so invested in these shows too? Tell me I'm not alone!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Things that Irrationally Freak Me Out
1. Crickets. Holy moly, I hate those things. When we first moved into our place last year, they would swarm our house like a hostile takeover. They crawled under our front door and would ambush anyone and anything. At any given time, you’d have 3 crawling towards you. AND THEY JUMP. Crickets jump and get in between your flip flop and your foot and then you step on it…. Ahhhhhh, I’m freaking out just typing this. Ahhhhhhh!!! My husband got very good at keeping a cup and folder around so I could trap them and release them outside. And then it would start all over again.
2. Space shuttles. They have just been in space (see #5). They have space dust on them. They look like flying killer whales. Seriously, how scary would a flying killer whale be? When we were at Sea World, they showed this whale montage at the Shamu show and they had whales doing normal people things, but whale-like. So, they were “swimming” through a field, “swimming” around tall buildings, “swimming” on the freeway. Oh my god, it was my worst nightmare come true. Flying killer whales.
3. Getting my blood drawn. Yesterday I went and had blood drawn at the doctor’s office and I got clammy when the lab technician made me sit down. I told her that I would pass out so just be ready. She told me I was crazy and that she would give me a lollypop if I was good. I held her to it and got my lollypop, damn it. But seriously, every other time I’ve had blood drawn, I’ve woken up on the floor. So, I was just warning her for her own good.
4. Open Water. Um. No thanks. Just floating there in water where you don’t know what is swimming around you? When my husband and I were dating, he taught me how to water ski out in front of his parent’s house. That sounds funny until you realize they lived ON Puget Sound. So anyway, I’m waterskiing, I’m waterskiing… then I’m done. Floating in Puget Sound. And silently freaking out because there are a whole host of things that are swimming around me. I acted all cool but I was freaking out inside. Same thing happened when he taught me how to sail. The next day. That whole vacation was a lesson in hyperventilation.
5. Deep space. Have you ever just taken a moment to really think about how small and insignificant we are? I start thinking about space and my mind does that backwards-zoom thing they always show in planetary videos where they show a person and back the camera out through space to the VERY BEGINNING OF CREATION. Like through all the stars and space dust, planets, solar systems. Holy crap, it’s terrifying to think about being in the middle of all that nothing.
6. Things like this guy .No. No no no no no no. You are just swimming along (which I wouldn’t be doing anyway, see #4) and all of a sudden this guy comes out of NO WHERE and is all big-mouthed and freaky. No thanks.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
Hubby played in a Civil War Band
I was in a show
Partied hard
Watched a lot of this
Got a haircut!
Went to Sea World
What did you do on your summer vacation?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Must. Get. It.

via Neatorama and DeviantArt
Things That Bug the Ever-Loving Snot Out of Me
*No acknowledgment of a nice deed. When I slow down to let you merge into my lane, when I hold open the door for you, when I stand up to let you pass when you want the middle seats in the theater and I get nothing? Yeesh. It's simple and it's two words. "Thank You". Even more simple, a wave or a nod.
*The fact that our garbage disposal still isn't fixed and we told our landlady about it 4 months ago. 4 months. I think she'd be pretty upset if we didn't pay rent, so when we still don't have it fixed after reminding her over and over... I get pretty upset too. *Update* some one is coming in the next couple of days to check it out! Yippee!
*When I pick the wrong check-out line. Which is every time.
*Bad hair days.
*When I'm all cranky and I take it out on the hubs. It's not his fault that I'm cranky most of the time. Good thing he likes me a lot. A LOT. It bugs me when I can't snap out of it either. Like, I know I'm completely irrational and my head keeps yelling "Stop it, crazy woman! You're driving him crazy!" but I. just. can't. That really needs to stop.
*The cattle-call that is the Southwest Airlines seat line-up. I understand everyone is assigned a letter and a number but it's like that number is sacred and you canNOT be one above or below where you're supposed to me. I like to hide my ticket and make people ask me what my number is. It gives me great pleasure to see them get silently riled up trying to see it. I wait for them to ask. Heh heh heh.
*And it bugs me when people complain all the time. Sooooo, I'm going to stop now.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Raw Photos Contest Submission
This is my submission to the Raw Photos Contest run by Andy and The Suniverse. The theme this week is "Last Days of Summer". Because, seriously, what else describes the last days of summer than school supplies?
Enter now!