The birthday girl and vampire dip. mmmmmm.

My man and J's man.

2/3 of our pledge class. Love these girls.

Ok, this is what the title of this post is in reference to. This was the Peanut Butter and Jellousy. A bacon burger with PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY. Guys, this thing was delicious. No joke.

The boys smelling the Bacon Salt. This place loves their bacon.

It was so great to see everyone last night. I've known these girls for 10 years now and it feels like I just met them yesterday. It was also great to catch up with this couple and talk and talk and talk.

All in all, a great night and if you're in the Anaheim area, you have to check out this restaurant!
EEEE! My picture is in Coco's blog! Twice! What an honor! Plus I got to meet the camera! I got to USE the camera! What a night!