
Saturday, March 26, 2011


A couple of days ago, my friend did an amazing thing. I mean, it wasn't a one day thing. It took months of work, patience, baked goods and skill to pull off something like this.

Jason completed his first of two conducting recitals for his graduate degree. He got musicians together, rehearsed them, his wife Melissa baked them treats for their time. I sat in awe as these musicians rocked out. They played Hindemith for crying out loud.

And at the front of the room was Jason. Jason, who didn't even look like he was breaking a sweat (and it was really hot in there). Congratulations Jason. You have a well-deserved break coming your way. You could tell the musicians really respected you and your work.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Building Things

So Hubs started getting into a new hobby.


While I definitely don't have any interest in learning it...

he's loving learning about it and that makes me happy.

And of course, with new hobbies come new toys!

AND, with this hobby, I get to enjoy the fruits of his labor (this is going to be a table)

Plus, I really like seeing him happy :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Well, Aren't We Funny?

Is your town weird? Does your town have a sense of humor?

There's this statue in front of our town library and it features these two gentlemen. Every holiday, the library staff accessorizes them accordingly and I always find it exceptionally funny.

I wanted to take a picture of them all gussied up for St. Paddy's Day but I didn't get the chance. Luckily, my friend Melissa snapped a pic before it was taken down. Thanks Melissa! Had to prove that this town isn't as stuff as people think :)

Happy St. Paddy's Day everyone! Hope you are all safe and crazy at the same time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Claremont Photographer | Ayesha and Erik: Engagement

I had a great pleasure of running around and laughing with Ayesha and Erik this past weekend. Oh, and we took some pictures too! I've known Ayesha for a few years now, first through our college choir and then as her advisor for a student service group. Ayesha is great, funny, organized and destined for success. There was only one problem. I had heard so much about Erik but I had never actually met him! I am happy to say that the hype that Ayesha told me was true, Erik is such a nice guy. Great sense of humor, nature-lover and super smart.

Thank you both for running around with me on Saturday and Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens. I had a great time talking about Weddingbee (and explaining it to Erik) and of course, Teen Mom! I really do get to work with the most fun people!



Also, I'm a bit biased because they got engaged in Salzburg, a city that is so close to my heart. Good job Erik!




Ayesha was absolutely glowing. Can you blame her? See how Erik looks at her!







Well peeps, I'm rounding the corner on to week 2 of p90x. I really do love the program but man, I don't know when I WON'T be sore. I was sore from day 2's workout until day 5. DAY 5. It's kind of killer. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to ask. It is legit but I do a different diet plan than they do. Mine's more sustainable and less expensive :)

Can you believe it's the middle of March? What the heck happened? Here I was, ringing in the New Year and it's almost a quarter of the way through the year? Just ain't fittin', especially with all that I want to do!

I have Henry Chen's wedding photography workshop next week and I'm seriously squeee-ing over here. I can only go to one day (harumph) because of work but I'm planning on sucking it all up while I can with the time I'm given. I can't wait to meet the other photographers. It makes me feel better that a lot of us are just starting out. I feel like such a noob.

I get to go home early from work today! I worked late this week and I'm so excited since today is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. For realz. It's gorgeous today and I can't wait to take a walk around the 'hood with the Hubs. It will be the first time we get to appreciate the time change and soak in the sun. Plus, I have to do my p90x for the day since I slept in. I was so dang tired this morning I could hardly get out of bed.

I hear it's going to POUR here this weekend. I'm looking forward to cozying up in bed, watching movies and making popcorn. Although, we make popcorn a lot so that's not really a treat. But it kind of is because our popcorn machine is still amazing and totally worth it.

Both of our cars went in for work today. This may not be exciting to you, but as we were leaving, there was this mural on the side of the wall that I HAVE to use in a photoshoot someday. I love little surprises like that!

I just had to call the Hubs to tell him to take out a soda that I put in the freezer for lunch. What would I do if he wasn't there?

New blog post later tonight with engagement pictures. I can't wait to put them up!

Want to act a random fact? Feel free!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sneak Peek | Ayesha and Erik Claremont, CA

I couldn't help it! I'm actually getting a new computer tomorrow and wanted to wait until I got it to edit today's engagement session but I couldn't NOT post a couple. I know Ayesha was excited to see them and I can't wait to go through the rest. More soon...


Monday, March 7, 2011

Redlands Photographer | Jo and Gary Anytime Session

Jo and Gary just light up around each other. I had so much fun with these two this past weekend. I know all photographers say that but I really mean it every time! Everyone I get to work with has a great sense of humor and we just click. That's how it was with Jo and Gary.

I worked with Jo for 4 years. We knew each others quirks and when we were both done with work. We'd grab our coworker Andrea and head over to our favorite restaurant for hummus and pita. I remember one time when work was really tough, Jo was saying, "People ask if it's stressful at home too and I say, home is my refuge. Gary is my star." I've always remembered that. Gary is her star and you see Jo light up around him.

It's probably because Gary is absolutely hilarious, as you can see...

Thank you both for being such good sports and running around the library with me. And even "hopping" across the street.



And then they go and get all model on me :)




library collage




Sunday, March 6, 2011

Apples vs. Oranges

I live in the land of oranges but I must say, I prefer apples. I think the guy who made this infographic does too... but it's kind of hard to tell ;)

So, which do you prefer? Apples? Oranges?

Apples to Oranges.

Infographic by

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Well yeah... put a bird on it. It's what I'm hoping to do with my logo :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We went to an Oscar party on Sunday. We do parties right in this group. Good food, lots of people, appropriate ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the dresses, yelling for people to hurry up and get off the stage, scorecards. You know, the usual.

The host sent out an email a couple weeks before the party asking people to bring food. She made a joke by saying this: "If somebody is inspired by Social Network to bring appletinis, that sounds fine to me! Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Maybe tortillas from Toy Story 3, or strawberry cake from Black Swan, or fried squirrel from Winter's Bone. (Please no meth.)"

I decided to make a cake but not strawberry cake. I was going to make chocolate cake. You know, BLACK Swan, Chocolate cake? Then the Hubs said, "Why not do chocolate cake with white frosting? Wasn't she also a white swan?" GENIUS! Why didn't I think of that? To be fair, I did think to put it on my black cake stand.

Then he goes, "We should put feathers on it!" Ok, so... I would just like to point out that I would totally have come up with this but he beat me to it. I knew I was over-the-top but I'm just so glad I ended up with someone who totally thinks like I do (and thinks like this crowd that we partied with!).

(Side note, that stupid Mercury insurance commercial just came on and Hubs came by and did a silly dance to it. He makes me laugh)

So we go to Michael's and find feathers and... well.... oh here, I'll just show you.


Needless to say... it was a hit.