
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This is Why I Married Him

Conversation at approximately 10:30pm Saturday night.

Hubs: I'm going up to bed.

Me: Ok, I'm going to make marshmallows and then I'll be up. (mind you, I never mentioned my desire to make marshmallows at all during the day. It just CAME to me, you know?)

Hubs: Ok.

The man didn't even blink. Any other guy probably would have questioned my motives or wondered why I was thinking about doing that at 10:30 at night.

Nope. Not this guy. And that's just one of the many reasons why I married him.


  1. that's because your marshmallows are awesome and he knows he'll get to eat some. YUM!

  2. Where is the love button? =)
