But my mother in law got us this popcorn maker for Christmas. Oh man, do we love us some popcorn. Before the Scrooge rehearsal and performance madness, we would have popcorn almost every night. But the thing is, our microwave is small. Tiny. And our bags of popcorn wouldn't turn. And they would burn. And burnt popcorn is not good, people. (Ohhhhh us and our first-world problems!)
So we asked for this popcorn maker and so we could honestly tell her that we use it when she asks us on our visit next week.... we tried it out!
First, measure out the oil.

Then measure out the popcorn.

Trial and error, we'll definitely use less next time.

Pour popcorn into the bottom of the popper.

Snap on the lid (that's also a bowl!) and wait in eager anticipation.

Watch it heat up in there and the bar spinning the kernels around.

Get impatient.

Then it gets good... it was like a mini fireworks show!

A minute later, it looks like this...

Flip it over, careful, it's hot!

And enjoy!

Verdict: It's great! Only a few burnt kernels but I think it's because we used too much popcorn on our first time out. I can't wait to get different kinds of popcorn and seasonings. It tasted more like movie popcorn, which I love. Thanks to MIL for the fun present. Now we can actually say we've tried it.